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[OpenGL programOpenGLGameProgramming源码

Description: OpenGL Game Programming 一书的源代码,相当具有参考价值!包含书中的所有的例子! Beginning OpenGL Game Programming(OpenGl游戏程序设计高级入门),说高级是因为这本书确实不同一般,深入讲解OpenGL的游戏开发过程.而说是入门教程:它是一步一步的引导读者去学习.从最基础到高级. GameDev.net的两个站长写的书,这本书不只提供了一个极好的OPENGL的入门,而是整体讲述了3D程序设计. 本书是对OpenGL开发函数库的介绍,让读者对当今流行的开发语言有深入的了解;游戏设计的基本功:2D算法,3D算法,数学、物理算法,让读者从本质上掌握如何制作出真实、可信的游戏;精心设计的范例在潜移默化中引导读者学习游戏设计的细节! With "Beginning OpenGL Game Programming", you'll learn how to use OpenGL to develop games using high-performance graphics and game libraries. Focusing solely on topics related to graphics and OpenGL, this comprehensive guide gives you the skills you need to unleash the power of OpenGL 1.5 and create realistic, real-time graphics. If you are just getting started in 3D game development and are comfortable programming in C++, this guide is your ideal introduction to OpenGL. By the time you finish this book, you'll understand the basics of OpenGL and be able to apply your newfound skills as you create your own games!
Platform: | Size: 7803958 | Author: ourleven@yahoo.com.cn | Hits:

[OpenGL programrgball

Description: 用OpenGL写的一个类似台球的小游戏,包括对了OpenGL的基本操作和简单的力学碰撞模型。由于是作为学习OpenGL的习作来做,文件名起的比较随意,其中1.cpp中包含了程序运行主体,phyobject.cpp中提供了力学碰撞的物理模型-with OpenGL write a similar pool of small game, including a pair of OpenGL and the basic operation of a simple mechanical model of the collision. Since OpenGL is learning to do the exercises, since the documents were more freely 1.cpp which includes the main operating procedures, provided phyobject.cpp collision mechanics of the physical model
Platform: | Size: 231424 | Author: 钟宇平 | Hits:

[OpenGL programopengl---1

Description: 随着网络游戏的发展,任务越来越成为游戏的重要内容之一,甚至专门出现了标榜任务为游戏主要玩法的网络游戏,任务成为了游戏中玩家获得乐趣的重要手段,也是游戏的特色之一,精彩的任务系统,不但能丰富游戏乐趣,也是重要的道具和经验来源,下面从服务器端和客户端两方-With the development of online games, the task is increasingly becoming an important part of the game, or even a specific mandate to flaunt the main rules of the game of online games, tasks become a game player was an important means fun, but also one of the characteristics of the game, exciting mission system will not only rich fun of the game is also an important source of props and experience, the following from the server and client side 2
Platform: | Size: 1527808 | Author: 林林 | Hits:

[Game Enginezfxcengine-0.1.0

Description: ZFXC是一款比较出名的3D游戏引擎。使用lua为脚本语言。图形模块用OpenGL和Direct3D开发实现跨平台。总之这个引擎很不错值得研究。-ZFXC is a relatively well-known 3D game engine. The use scripting language for the song. Graphics with OpenGL and Direct3D to achieve cross-platform development. In short, the engine very well worth studying.
Platform: | Size: 1113088 | Author: 张朋 | Hits:

[Shot Gameufo_xmas.tar

Description: UFO,一个FPS简单游戏源码.类似CS的游戏,具有模拟的世界地图,OpenGL开发-UFO, a simple game FPS source. CS similar game with a simulated map of the world. OpenGL development
Platform: | Size: 49690624 | Author: 马兵 | Hits:

[OpenGL programgame

Description: opengl 事例,该作品很好的融合了现在的一些处理技术,附原代码!-opengl examples of the good works of the integration of some of the current technology, with the original code!
Platform: | Size: 2415616 | Author: chenko | Hits:

[OpenGL programGame

Description: 一个用MFC的对话框窗口显示的OPENGL动画,可以研究如何在VC++的消息映射和窗口中显示OPENGL动画的示例-with an MFC dialog window shows the OpenGL animation, can study how the news VC mapping and OpenGL window shows examples of animation
Platform: | Size: 98304 | Author: | Hits:

[OpenGL programopengl

Description: 此源码实现基于OpenGL的摄像漫游,模仿第一人称视角在游戏中漫游,程序简明扼要,对喜欢游戏编程的朋友有一定的帮助-This source OpenGL-based camera roaming, to imitate the first person perspective in the game roaming, concise procedures for programming like the game will certainly help with Friend
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: Gerson | Hits:

[OpenGL programGame_OpenGL

Description: 这是一个用OpenGl开发的小游戏示例,类似常玩的雷电,当然,功能还很简单,但是要玩通也不是容易的事情。对用opengl做游戏开发的可以看看。-This is a development with OpenGL game sample, similar to regular playing lightning, of course, function is still very simple, but Qualcomm is not playing easy. To make use of opengl game development can look at.
Platform: | Size: 561152 | Author: 彦竹 | Hits:

[OpenGL programOpengl

Description: 此上传文件包含了六个用opengl开发的3d游戏代码,包括碰撞检测,射击, 爆炸等的实现-This file contains six 3d with opengl game development code, including collision detection, shooting, explosions, etc. to achieve
Platform: | Size: 94208 | Author: 鹦鹉 | Hits:

[OpenGL programSimpEngine

Description: 基于opengl的3d引擎,并完成杀戮游戏。用第一视角完成。-Opengl based on the 3d engine, and complete the killing game. With the completion of the first perspective.
Platform: | Size: 1210368 | Author: 丛日昊 | Hits:

[Game ProgramOpenGLgameprogram

Description: OpenGL游戏编程一书的随书光盘。内含所有的源码和实例程序。-OpenGL game programming book, one CD-ROM with the book. Contains all the source code and examples of procedures.
Platform: | Size: 21554176 | Author: atl | Hits:

[OpenGL programOpenGLGameProgramming

Description: 一个用opengl和vc编写的游戏程序,对于了解opengl编程很有帮助-A vc with opengl and procedures for the preparation of the game, very helpful for the understanding of opengl programming
Platform: | Size: 7803904 | Author: pphanson | Hits:


Description: 一本详细介绍手机3D图形编程的书,使用OPEN GL ES 2.0和M3G。-Introduce a detailed 3D graphics programming phone book, use OPEN GL ES 2.0 and M3G.
Platform: | Size: 4841472 | Author: wsj | Hits:

[OpenGL programMobile.3D.Graphics.with.OpenGL.ES.and.M3G.(2007).r

Platform: | Size: 4841472 | Author: wangjing | Hits:

[OpenGL programGame

Description: 用OpenGL写的经典小飞机游戏,采用5D框架-Writing with OpenGL Game classic small plane, using the framework of 5D
Platform: | Size: 901120 | Author: slmao | Hits:

[OpenGL programsnakeandladdergame

Description: snake and ladder game using opengl
Platform: | Size: 72704 | Author: nikhil | Hits:

[Other Riddle gamesPingPong

Description: Ping-Pong game, with fancy main menu :) OpenGL/SDL
Platform: | Size: 3429376 | Author: udp11 | Hits:


Description: nice game in opengl with source code
Platform: | Size: 2177024 | Author: wrong_theory | Hits:

[OpenGL programopenglmini-game

Description: 用opengl实现小游戏,纹理清晰,是学习opengl语言的好代码。-Game with opengl texture clear learning opengl language code.
Platform: | Size: 440320 | Author: harry | Hits:
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